domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Is a guy to fall in love with and stay in love with.
someone who loves me for me, and everything about me.
someone who I'm good enough for, so they'll never need someone else.
someone who's always there for me & doesn't lie about stupid shit.
someone who's straight forward and doesn't go around the bush.
someone who I never have an awkward moment with & if we ever have one then laugh about it instead of being idiots.
where I'm the first thing on their mind when they wake up,
and the last thing on their mind before they go to bed.
someone I can tell all my problems to.
someone who truly cares about me.
someone who makes me happy, and I can make them happy in return.
someone who falls in love with me, and shows everyday that they're still in love.
and stays in love.
someone i can always count on.
someone who isn't embarrassed to show their feelings towards me.
someone with whom i can do stupid stuff without feeling embarrassed or bad about it.
I want to be the only one, to be perfect for him and he to be perfect for me.

Things like this may never come my way, i just have to wait and see

Well enough gibbering about pointless shit

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